It’s all about relationships


IN one of the greatest sermons ever preached- and this one was delivered on a mountaintop not from a church pulpit – Jesus exploded the myth that true happiness is how we feel, what we have or what we do. It was all about relationships, he said.

He said the first step towards true happiness was knowing that this world was in a mess. And knowing that, we had to commit to helping each other even our enemies and realise that we were all dependant on each other.

True happiness started, Jesus said, when we realised there was much to grieve about and mourn in this world. Happiness was bred when we hunger for righteousness. In other words, we can only start to be truly happy when we are so dissatisfied with the ways of the world that we search for the truth that makes some sense of the craziness that surrounds us.

1 thought on “It’s all about relationships

  1. Yes

    Jesus of course explained his own relationship with his Dad, (as he referred to him, rather than Father.). Much has been made of Christianity being a relationship with Jesus. Fair enough, but if you’re going to value scripture, see the many instances of advice re relationships within society.

    James 1:26–27 says ” If anyone thinks he is religious qand does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s rreligion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit torphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

    It’s in the words of Jesus. It’s in the words of the Ten Commandments. And in many other religions across the world.

    Greg Kouklo of Stands to Reason says “But here’s the problem: “having a relationship with God” in this sense is not at all unique to Christianity. Virtually every religion, it seems to me, has as its goal something intensely personal.”


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