Jews And Arabs who Refuse To Be Enemies


As the Gaza conflict intensifies with rocket attacks from both sides, some people are promoting friendship on social media with the hashtag, “Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies.”

Ynet reports that about 300 people protested the rocket attacks on Gaza by the Israeli government in Haifa, shouting and holding signs, “Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies.”

Now the slogan has become an international social media campaign with a Facebook page and Twitter hashtag.

Photos here show that the people suffering from the ongoing violence are demanding an end to it, with people all over the world supporting them in solidarity

Egypt proposed a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas after a week of air strikes which have killed at least 185 Palestinians, at least 3/4 of whom were civilians, according to the BBC. Israel agreed but Hamas refused a ceasefire.

Today Israel resumed airstrikes in the Gaza Strip, six hours after agreeing to the Egyptian-proposed truce that failed to halt Hamas rocket attacks.

40 thoughts on “Jews And Arabs who Refuse To Be Enemies

  1. A ceasefire with no resolution won’t happen, although a ceasefire is needed for talks to take place. Concessions need to be made first. The Zionists have quite a history, if you believe some of what’s on the ‘net.

    The Ashkenazi Jews seem to have mainly originated in the Khazarian nobility’s conversion to Judaism, to counteract the strong Christian and Muslim influences there, and following the nobility most of the populace, with no Judaic blood lines! Are the Zionists true believers, or just self interested? Their intelligence is rated very highly by some.

    Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews
    Ashkenazim v’Sepharadim (in Hebrew)

    • There are several subgroups of Jews with different culture and traditions:
    Ashkenazic: Descendants of Jews from France, Germany and Eastern Europe
    Sephardic: Descendants of Jews from Spain, Portugal, North Africa and the Middle East
    Mizrachi: Descendants of Jews from North Africa and the Middle East
    • Other subgroups are Yemenite, Ethiopian and Oriental

    Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews represent two distinct subcultures of Judaism. We are all Jews and share the same basic beliefs, but there are some variations in culture and practice. It’s not clear when the split began, but it has existed for more than a thousand years, because around the year 1000 C.E., Rabbi Gershom ben Judah issued an edict against polygamy that was accepted by Ashkenazim but not by Sephardim.
    Who are Ashkenazic Jews?

    Ashkenazic Jews are the Jews of France, Germany, and Eastern Europe and their descendants. The adjective “Ashkenazic” and corresponding nouns, Ashkenazi (singular) and Ashkenazim (plural) are derived from the Hebrew word “Ashkenaz,” which is used to refer to Germany. Most American Jews today are Ashkenazim, descended from Jews who emigrated from Germany and Eastern Europe from the mid 1800s to the early 1900s. The pages in this site are written from the Ashkenazic Jewish perspective.
    Who are Sephardic Jews?

    Sephardic Jews are the Jews of Spain, Portugal, North Africa and the Middle East and their descendants. The adjective “Sephardic” and corresponding nouns Sephardi (singular) and Sephardim (plural) are derived from the Hebrew word “Sepharad,” which refers to Spain.

    Sephardic Jews are often subdivided into Sephardim, from Spain and Portugal, and Mizrachim, from the Northern Africa and the Middle East. The word “Mizrachi” comes from the Hebrew word for Eastern. There is much overlap between the Sephardim and Mizrachim. Until the 1400s, the Iberian Peninsula, North Africa and the Middle East were all controlled by Muslims, who generally allowed Jews to move freely throughout the region. It was under this relatively benevolent rule that Sephardic Judaism developed. When the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492, many of them were absorbed into existing Mizrachi communities in Northern Africa and the Middle East.

    Most of the early Jewish settlers of North America were Sephardic. The first Jewish congregation in North America, Shearith Israel, founded in what is now New York in 1684, was Sephardic and is still active. Philadelphia’s first Jewish congregation, Congregation Mikveh Israel, founded in 1740, was also a Sephardic one, and is also still active.

    In Israel, a little more than half of all Jews are Mizrachim, descended from Jews who have been in the land since ancient times or who were forced out of Arab countries after Israel was founded. Most of the rest are Ashkenazic, descended from Jews who came to the Holy Land (then controlled by the Ottoman Turks) instead of the United States in the late 1800s, or from Holocaust survivors, or from other immigrants who came at various times. About 1% of the Israeli population are the black Ethiopian Jews who fled during the brutal Ethiopian famine in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
    What is the difference between Sephardic and Ashkenazic?

    The beliefs of Sephardic Judaism are basically in accord with those of Orthodox Judaism, though Sephardic interpretations of halakhah (Jewish Law) are somewhat different than Ashkenazic ones. The best-known of these differences relates to the holiday of Pesach (Passover): Sephardic Jews may eat rice, corn, peanuts and beans during this holiday, while Ashkenazic Jews avoid them. Although some individual Sephardic Jews are less observant than others, and some individuals do not agree with all of the beliefs of traditional Judaism, there is no formal, organized differentiation into movements as there is in Ashkenazic Judaism.

    Historically, Sephardic Jews have been more integrated into the local non-Jewish culture than Ashkenazic Jews. In the Christian lands where Ashkenazic Judaism flourished, the tension between Christians and Jews was great, and Jews tended to be isolated from their non-Jewish neighbors, either voluntarily or involuntarily. In the Islamic lands where Sephardic Judaism developed, there was less segregation and oppression. Sephardic Jewish thought and culture was strongly influenced by Arabic and Greek philosophy and science.

    Sephardic Jews have a different pronunciation of a few Hebrew vowels and one Hebrew consonant, though most Ashkenazim are adopting Sephardic pronunciation now because it is the pronunciation used in Israel. See Hebrew Alphabet. Sephardic prayer services are somewhat different from Ashkenazic ones, and Sephardim use different melodies in their services. Sephardic Jews also have different holiday customs and different traditional foods. For example, Ashkenazic Jews eat latkes (potato pancakes) to celebrate Chanukkah; Sephardic Jews eat sufganiot (jelly doughnuts).

    The Yiddish language, which many people think of as the international language of Judaism, is really the language of Ashkenazic Jews. Sephardic Jews have their own international language: Ladino, which was based on Spanish and Hebrew in the same way that Yiddish was based on German and Hebrew.
    Other Jewish Subcultures

    There are some Jews who do not fit into this Ashkenazic/Sephardic distinction. Yemenite Jews, Ethiopian Jews (also known as Beta Israel and sometimes called Falashas), and Asian Jews also have some distinct customs and traditions. These groups, however, are relatively small and virtually unknown in America. For more information on Ethiopian Jewry, see the North American Conference on Ethiopian Jewry or Friends of Ethiopian Jews. For more information on Asian Jewry, see Jewish Asia.


  2. What are they fighting for? Sad to say, again they are fighting for a small area-approximately 26,000 square kilometers or about twice the area of Lanao del Sur. In summary, the Middle East Research and Information Project reported that “the competing claims to the territory are not reconcilable if one group exercises exclusive political control over all of it. Jewish claims to this land are based on the biblical promise to Abraham and his descendants, on the fact that the land was the historical site of the ancient Jewish kingdoms of Israel and Judea, and on Jews’ need for a haven from European anti-Semitism. Palestinian Arab claims to the land are based on their continuous residence in the country for hundreds of years and the fact that they represented the demographic majority until 1948.”

    We now have a case of two opposing parties, each having their own divisions and sub groups. One rejects the notion that a biblical-era kingdom constitutes the basis for a valid modern claim. They do not believe that they should forfeit their land to compensate Jews for Nazi’s crimes against Jews.

    How then can we, all humanity, settle this conflict? As we support the Palestinian Arabs of Gaza, we have to be mindful that Islamic militant terrorists – whether they are called al-Qaida, Isis, Hamas, or Hezbollah – are killing not only Jews, but innocent Muslim civilians as well. Jews are not our enemies. Our enemies are the terrorists from different religions. Terrorists who use children and other civilians as human shields.


      • First Israeli casualty in Gaza conflict
        Israel has suffered its first casualty of the conflict, with the death of a 38-year-old man near the Erez crossing with Gaza

        Almost 200 Palestinians have been killed in the week long Israeli offensive “operation protective edge” before Israel agreed to the ceasefire.
        Gaza’s heath ministry said 194 people have been killed and a further 1,410 injured.

        Total Israel fatalities over a ten year period of 28 compared to more than 200 Palestinian deaths in the last 2-3 week.


      • “I got a call yesterday morning from City Hall,” says Gili Avissar, a young Tel Aviv-based artist. “They said I have four hours to clear my studio and turn it back into the bunker it’s supposed to be in times of conflict.” Avissar and his studio partner, Oz Malul, raced to the shelter to try and save as much of their work as possible. “I didn’t really know what to do with everything I had,” says Avissar. “I spread the important pieces among friends but had to throw a big chunk of my works to the garbage.”
        “Whoever goes to the shelter these days anyway?” wonders Malul, still bitter about having to clear his shared studio. “Iron Dome is managing to stop all the rockets.” The public’s newfound confidence in the IDF’s active missile intercept system notwithstanding, shelters remain crucial to the city’s public safety plan. While every new house built in Israel for the past 20 years has to have a special concrete-enforced safe room, many older buildings lack such features, requiring residents to run for public shelters or hope for the best in stairwells around the city.

        Palestinian civilians do not have such options.


      • One moment, four boys are playing on an open stretch of beach. The next moment, they are dead.

        No warning. No escape.

        “It was there that the second shell hit the beach, those firing apparently adjusting their fire to target the fleeing survivors. As it exploded, journalists standing by the terrace wall shouted: “They are only children.”

        In the space of 40 seconds, four boys who had been playing hide and seek among fishermen’s shacks on the wall were dead. They were aged between seven and 11; two were named Mohammad, one Zakaria and the youngest Ahed. All were members of the extended Bakr family.”


      • What is the difference between Israel and Palestinians?
        One protects its citizens by using rockets as shields.
        The other one protects its rockets by using its citizens as shields.


      • According to the Anti-Defamation League, a total of 1,194 Israelis and foreigners were killed and 7,000 wounded[ between September 2000 and August 2010 by Palestinian terror attacks


      • The real irony here for Palestinians is that their independence is within reach. In all honesty, why would Israel even want the West Bank? The assimilation of millions of Arabs would be a complete nightmare for the Jewish State. The demographic landscape would surely change with their arrival. Palestinians want independence, but along with that right comes at least one responsibility. They must come to an agreement of peace with the Israelis and keep their word. As long as Israel feels the need to have to defend itself, walls, road blocks, and security checks will all remain. Both sides claim to want peace – but until the Palestinians start showing that the love of their children and their future is greater than their hatred of Israel, there will be no peace in the Middle East.


      • The Anti Defamation League might not be a reliable source of figures, although they sound squeaky clean. Linguist and activist Noam Chomsky has characterized ADL as having lost entirely its focus on civil rights issues to become solely an advocate for Israeli policy; he holds that ADL casts all left-wing opposition to Israeli interests as antisemitism.

        I am not trying to whitewash Hamas or any Palestinian militants, just pointing that it’s not all one sided as a lot of people say in springing to the defence of Israel, presuming that all Israelis are alike, and all Palestinians are alike. There are huge differences in both camps, and I believe youth such as those in Bryan’s illustration might be the only way forward.


      • Well said Strewth. The conflict is the result of many factors. The Israeli Government’s slaughter of civilians and historical treatment of Palestinians is deplorable. As is Hamas’ ongoing violence and militant refusal to negotiate. It seems like a huge divide. In a March, 2005 poll 63% of the Israelis blamed the failure of the Oslo Peace Process on Palestinian violence, but only 5% of the Palestinians agreed. 54% of Palestinians put the blame on continuing Israeli settlement activity, but only 20% of the Israelis agreed.
        No it’s not one-sided as some people say.


    • Excellent Carmel. The rich Arabs got richer, the Jews brought in modern agricultural science, and now 50 or so years later conditions are quite different.

      Seems neither the Arabs nor most Jews have an ancestral claim. Less in fact than the Irish did in their homeland, the Aboriginals in Australia, Native Americans in their homeland, etc.

      Somewhere a line has to be drawn, to forget looking back beyond it, to bring peace to the present situation, or make what reasonable changes, concessions, to bring peace.


      • Such posts haven’t/wouldn’t get posted here.
        They don’t coincide with your views. PARTICULARLY the ones containing facts.

        ……Like the one with links to the effect that resistance to an occupying force/colonial power. etc. “by any means possible” is accepted as legitimate and LEGAL by any major world authority ~ such as various organs of the UN, the Security Council, the IJC, etc. etc. etc.
        It’s only the US and israelis ~ both major and consistent breakers of the rules (because they can get away with it) who harp on about ‘fanatical terrorists’.
        ……oh… them and assorted .apologists for the zionist cause. The very basis for your argument (“both sides are to blame”) is FACTUALLY incorrect.
        (and would’ve justified the attack on Vietnam and the MASSIVE bombing of neutral Laos, an ‘evil’ that will forever cry out for vengeance.)

        And also like the post that suggested the only way to get ‘peace’ (if humans are capable of it at all) is to banish (by using overwhelming force if necessary) all weapons, religious advocacies ~ and all symbolism of national identity from the whole of palestine ~ including the so-called ‘holy sites’ ie, take away the objects of the conflict, as you would a toy over which two 3-year-olds were fighting.

        Though such a tactic would be quite viable, given only the political Will, people with a self-interest in the outcomes would never approve ~ nor post a suggestion to that effect. —> like arms dealers and godbotherers whose whole raison d’être is the confirmation and idolisation of the jewish god.
        And his kid.

        I could go on, but have better futilities upon which to waste my time.
        But will say your persistent personal attacks (“It’s all about you”, “Robin Hood complex” etc. are as wrong as they are boring.
        …but a good distraction, though, what?)

        I’ve often stated my position on matters of earthly philosophy, and they’re quite clear to anyone capable of an objective reading.
        1……there are far too many people in the world. Jews and moslems wiping each other out would alleviate that to a huge degree.
        2…..There are many legitimate reasons (or necessities) for killing living things; but there is NEVER a legitimate reason for cruelty or bullying generally; bastards who do so ought to be near the top of the ‘legitimate kill’ list
        3…..Everybody is by birthright free to choose their associations/allegiances ~ OR to choose not to have any ~ and any interference with that can and should be resisted by any means possible.
        ……oh, and ‘An eye for an eye’ should be rule no.1 for the human animal, because it’s not nearly as civilised and rational as other predators.

        THAT’S ‘about me’; anything else is bullshit.

        So stick that in your blog and post it!


      • The assertion that religion has caused most of the killing and bloodshed in the world. is empirically false.
        It is true that it’s possible that religion can produce evil, and generally when we look closer at the detail it produces evil because the individual people are actually living in a rejection of the God that they are supposed to be following. So it can produce it, but the historical fact is that outright rejection of God and institutionalizing of atheism actually does produce evil on incredible levels. We’re talking about tens of millions of people as a result of the rejection of God
        Is murder wrong (immoral)?
        Again, as with all these types of arguments, it rather depends upon your framework.
        Is it wrong in the Christian framework? Yes – It is against one of the ten commandments.
        Is it wrong in the Darwinist framework? Probably not.


      • Right on John R.
        Hatred is a powerful force often linked with a feeling of frustration, powerlessness and the desire for revenge.
        An ancient Roman emperor once said: “Whom men fear they hate, and whom they hate, they wish dead.”
        Albert Einstein once said that it was probably easier to denature plutonium than to denature the evil spirit of man.
        Hate is a choice, just like love.


      • Just for the record, John:-
        In the ‘Darwinist frame’ “murder” doesn’t exist.
        Neither do “right” and “wrong”.
        Moral constructs and questions lie entirely in the human domain.

        And in the ‘christain framework’ I recall no definitive statement one way or the other.
        The Ten Commandments are a jewish-god construct, and I note that ~ unsurprisingly ~ the same god which sternly instructed
        ‘Thou shalt not kill’ immediately thereafter commanded (according to Moses) the slaughter of thousands of jews in a single day (Exodus 32:28), and not long after that ordered the destruction of every person ~ man, woman and child ~ of the tribes of canaan “without mercy”. (and the theft of all their property, of course 😉 )

        “The more things change, the more they stay the same” as someone or other said.
        Atheism doesn’t have a holy book, nor issues divine commands.
        (and atheism doesn’t ‘reject god’; it simply doesn’t accept the concept.


      • Atheists pick and choose to isolate scripture in an attempt to plead their case. They do not take the literary context or historical perspective when speaking of the Word of God. The lens that they do use is that of relativism, and materialism. They do not incorporate faith and reason, when attempting to justify the atheistic perspective. They do incorporate narcissism into their belief system, in the attempt to choose to “not need God.”


      • ps. ps Incidentally…though it’s open to debate, I tend to include ideologies ( An orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation ~ Shorter Oxford) generally into the ‘religious’ category.
        And on that basis ‘religion’ is the source of virtually ALL ‘murder’.


    • A good representation of what the Zionist want people to believe history to be.

      So you accept the version of history from a person who wrote “A good case for Islamaphobia”.

      I am more interested in what these people think of the Zionists.


      • The Hasidic movement known as the Neturei Karta are founded on a principle that Israel should not be ruled by Jews until the coming of the Messiah, and that a secular government there is inhibiting his coming. They have their own neighborhood which refuses to recognize the Israeli government and will not even use their currency. They also throw stones at passersby who are “immodestly dressed” or violating the sabbath, as well as rove around Jerusalem trying to enforce their beliefs on strangers. I had the misfortune of living 2 blocks outside of their turf, and can assert that They are as extreme right as some of their counterparts on the Islamic side.


    • From another Christian Zionist:

      The following is a first person commentary from a senior ICEJ staff member living in Jerusalem.

      “The flare-up in Gaza over recent days marks the fourth time in the past eight years that we have woken up to a rocket war here in Israel.

      I remember the first one started in the summer 2006 with sketchy early morning reports of a Hizbullah cross-border attack and by noon one million Israelis in the Galilee and Haifa regions were scrambling for bomb shelters to avoid deadly Syrian-made Grad rockets packed with added shrapnel.

      The next one came on a quiet Shabbat morning in 2008 when Hamas rockets from Gaza suddenly started pounding southern Israel, triggering Operation Cast Lead and its tense standoff on the outskirts of Gaza City.

      In November 2012, the second rocket war with Hamas in Gaza erupted just as quickly, prompting the IDF to launch Operation Pillar of Cloud, which ended without any ground incursion due to the successful debut of the Iron Dome system.

      In this latest escalation, the Kassam rockets came raining down on Israel’s southern cities for more than a week before the Israeli military finally responded with Operation Protective Edge. This time the entire nation is having to scurry for bomb shelters, and once again finds itself anxiously teetering between a possible ceasefire and a risky ground invasion.

      I’ve had my own private source of anxiety over recent days, as we sent our 14 year-old son Yonathan off to summer camp in the north of Israel last Wednesday, thinking he would be safe up there. But the area has now been hit by three rocket barrages aimed at the nearby coastal town of Nahariya, and one rocket landed less than a mile from his camp. The blast was so strong it knocked down a couple of the youngsters as they were running for a shelter.

      Where we live in Jerusalem, residents have around 90 seconds of warning to find shelter from incoming rockets, and the Iron Dome battery guarding the capital city has eased the locals’ fears somewhat. But at my son’s summer camp, located just a few miles south of the Lebanese border, there’s no Iron Dome and the warning time on rockets fired from Lebanon is a scant 15-to-20 seconds.

      As a worried father, I was ready to go fetch my son this week. But the camp operators assured all the parents that there were sufficient shelters on site and they were in constant touch with local IDF commanders. And besides, all 80 teenagers at the camp were bonding in a special way from the experience. They were still getting in some fun beach days and mountain hikes, while the prayer times and Bible studies were taking on a lot more meaning for these young Christians.

      Sadly, there were three Israeli teens who never made it to camp this summer. They were cruelly kidnapped and murdered by a Hamas cell while hitch-hiking home from yeshiva classes one evening in June.

      Their disappearance set off a massive prayer effort nationwide, yet an 18-day search ended tragically with the news that they were likely shot dead just moments after their abduction.

      This led some voices to question why God had not answered the nation’s prayers the way everyone wanted. Yet whatever doubts crept in because of that tragedy, the low number of casualties in the current conflict does seem to have restored a sense to Israel that God is indeed watching over them.

      In Proverbs 30:8-9, we find a unique prayer offered up to God which essentially pleads: ‘Lord, don’t make me so rich that I forget You, nor so poor that I curse You.’

      In many ways, the Jewish nation is living between similar extremes of sorrow and success. Sometimes, Israel’s enemies slip through the hedge of protection and inflict pain and suffering, yet God never allows it to get so bad that they curse Him. At other times, the people can truly sense the providence and blessing of God over this embattled yet thriving nation and their achievements always point back to Him.

      Without a doubt, we live in a time of God’s favor upon Zion. Israel has been restored against all odds and is emerging as a resilient and innovative ‘Start-up Nation’, with a windfall of newfound oil and gas wealth only promising greater things ahead. Her adversaries are jealous of Israel’s success and frustrated that they cannot stop it. But they will try to hinder it by bleeding Israel wherever they can. Ultimately, these efforts will be for naught and the faithful God of Israel will have the last say.”

      International Christian Embassy Jerusalem.


    • Carmel, neither this video nor the first one you posted (which in other ways was excellent) mention the history of forced displacement of Palestinians. There may have been little displacement from the more or less unoccupied areas, but what about from the area that was allotted to the new Israel?

      “At the beginning of the 20th century, most Palestinians lived inside the borders of Palestine, now divided into the state of Israel, and the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip (hereafter OPT). Until 1947, they owned or used approximately 90 percent of the land in Palestine.

      Five major periods or episodes of forcible displacement from former Palestine have transformed Palestinians into the largest and longest-standing unresolved refugee case in the world today. Approximately half of the Palestinian people have been displaced outside their former homeland and 82 percent of the land has been expropriated.

      The major periods or episodes of forcible displacement include:
      the British Mandate (1922-1947) when more than 100,000 Palestinians were displaced within and beyond the borders of Palestine in the context of British support of Zionist colonization;
      the Nakba (1947-1949) when over 750,000 Palestinians were displaced in the context of a UN General Assembly recommendation to partition Palestine, armed conflict, ethnic cleansing and the establishment of the state of Israel;
      Israel’s military government (1949-1966) when 35,000 to 45,000 Palestinians who had managed to remain in the area that became the state of Israel in 1948 were displaced, including many returning refugees;
      the 1967 Arab-Israeli war when 400,000 to 450,000 Palestinians were displaced in the context of armed conflict and Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza Strip, the Egyptian Sinai peninsula and the Syrian Golan Heights;
      Israel’s occupation, apartheid and colonization (1967 – 2009) when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been displaced, and forced displacement is ongoing on both sides of the Green Line.

      Palestinian displacement and dispossession are the result of forced population transfer (“ethnic cleansing”), defined by the UN as the “systematic, coercive and deliberate… movement of population into or out of an area … with the effect or purpose of altering the demographic composition of a territory, particularly when that ideology or policy asserts the dominance of a certain group over another.”i The Zionist movement and state of Israel have prevented self-determinationii of the Palestinian people, forcibly displaced them and barred the return of the displaced to their homes and properties for the purpose of colonization of Palestinian land and establishing a Jewish demographic majority in it.”


  3. “I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are good people and bad people. You’re wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.”
    ― Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!


  4. Palestinian Christian: Western Christians Don’t Understand Gaza/Israeli Conflict

    “The Christians in the west, most of them, they don’t know the realities here. They don’t know who is occupying who, who is oppressing who, who is confiscating whose land, who is building walls to try and separate people from one another,” Alex Awad, who also pastors East Jerusalem Church, told The Christian Post.


  5. Norwegian surgeon witnesses Israeli war crimes in Gaza

    In an interview with Safa News, Gilbert says the Israeli occupation deliberately uses internationally forbidden destructive weapons in its continued onslaught on Gaza.

    “Israeli bombs cause injuries that cannot be immediately seen via x-ray,” Gilbert said, “After a period of time, the injury starts to bleed.”

    “The material used in these bombs is uncommon, which explains why we cannot cure the injured parts, and in some cases doctors are forced to amputate them,” he says.

    So if Israel is using internationally forbidden destructive weapons then where are the weapon inspectors ?


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