Atheists try to censor history


FANATICAL atheism can be as ugly as religious fanaticism.
This cross-shaped structure (above) was found in the smouldering remains after the attacks on the World Trade Centre on 9/11.
The crossbeam, a familiar sight for visitors to Ground Zero for more than a decade, has been installed in the new 9/11 museum in New York which is opening in May.
Now an American atheist group is demanding that if the 17-foot high cross should be removed from the museum because it “smacks of Christianity”.
The group is mounting a legal challenge to the display of a cross-shaped steel beam, contending that it will cause “mental anguish” for non-believers because it promotes religion.
They have asked for a “monument to atheists” to be placed in the museum. What? A monument to nothingness?
The cross-shaped beam is part of the actual history of 9/11. Why do these atheists want to re-write history and edit out those portions which might accidentally pertain to Christianity? Why are some atheists so angry and intolerant about any philosophy different to theirs? I’m hardly the first one to ask that question.
It seems that the angry militant atheists are putting their soulless shoes in their mouths again. If only they would come to realise that their most dangerous enemy lies within themselves.

34 thoughts on “Atheists try to censor history

  1. To put so much energy into an anti-God campaign smacks of hatred and intolerance rather than simple disbelief. And where does such hatred come from? Perhaps resentment, since God’s existence interferes with those who want to be their own god? Nah. Couldn’t be that simple. It’s perfectly normal to feel threatened by “fairy tales” and “myths”…


    • Firstly I’d agree that the campaign seems waaaay over the top.

      BUT I have some good friends who’d like to get married, except they can’t in this country right now. Guess why go on have a guess (hint they are both the same gender), That’s not a fair tale or myth although the basis of the opposition to same sex-marriage seems to be.


    • Bryan,
      What interests me about these atheist challenges to religious symbols in everyday life scenarios, is that they frequently appear to succeed in the venture.

      Now the reason if and when they succeed is for one reason only. Despite the fact that they take place in a seemingly Christian society, the ‘offending’ object, (such as a Cross in public or whatever) turns out to have been ILLEGALLY erected in the first place.

      Do Christians object to the law being invoked in these cases? If so, then surely they should see about getting the laws changed. Otherwise dont complain.


    • Sure Dom, much like a statue of Osama Bin Laden would be a great monument to Islam right ?

      I mean heck let’s ignore hundreds of prominent atheists and go with Stalin.

      No offence Dom, but sometimes I get the feeling that sometimes you don’t put a heck of a lot of thought into the comments you make on this blog.

      Are you just tossing random thoughts out to see if you get a bite ?


      • Thanks for your observations. Sometimes I don’t have the time I should take to make a comment on a public forum.

        Point taken about Osama though he was an engineer and was not qualified to make Islamic rulings. It is with God now to judge his actions.

        The point I was trying to make is that people in an attempt to remove religion from society often become part of the problem rather than the solution.


      • Here is another bit of history that you won’t find in today’s history books.
        Modern atheism was a child of the French Revolution. After banning religion, the French atheists came up with something called the Cult of Reason. The physical aspect of this cult was the enthronement of beautiful women and worshipping them as Goddesses of Reason.
        Then they offered sacrifices to another woman called Madame Guillotine. And to cap it off, they gave the world the phrase “Reign of Terror”.
        Meanwhile the Bible was first banned by the French General Assembly, then voted back after approx. 3 years. Why? Because the population no longer had any guidelines regarding morals. So much for atheism being able to provide the same quality of morals as under Christianity. They weren’t able to do so during the French Revolution, they weren’t able to do it through Communism, Marxism, or any other form of atheism.


      • Hey Bubba

        Maybe you could ask the atheists that hang out at the 9/11 museum. They seem to be travelling down that route.


      • Hey Dom,

        Yeah I could do that OR I could just go to their website and have me a good old read.

        ABSOLUTELY nothing in there about removing religion from society.

        Maybe you could do a tiny-weeny bit of research on the topic before you start throwing vague generalisations left right and centre.

        They do have plenty about the separation of Church and State. I certainly think that church/state separation is a good thing – how about you ?

        Re the cross they seem to be objecting to a Christian religious icon being given space in a state funded museum. AND pointing out that the cross in question has been modified from its “found in the rubble” state. To quote ” It has been cut, blessed and had Jesus’ figure carved into it. It is no longer wreckage and is now religious art. “


      • Hey Dom,

        Well I’d like to be taking your word on that but considering your track record on this blog I’ll pass.

        Can you back that up with anything ?

        PS Your opinion on the church / state separation ?


  2. I’m giving up atheists for Lent.

    Actually, my real wish would be for atheists to enter the embrace – and I’m not being facetious.


    • Kathleen
      You’ve given me a temptation here. I saw your resolution to give up atheists for Lent. Well, I”m not succumbing. I am NOT giving up Christians for Lent. so there. I like just too many Christians for that!

      (now it’s me being facetious. Oh by the way, did you know that that word facetious is reputedly one of only two words in the English language that places all the vowels into their alphabetical order? cant recall the other one.



  3. Actually so does the Catholic Church.

    For example, they tell the common people that Jesus and the apostles changed the Sabbath to Sunday. It is only when you study the Bible that you realise that there is not a single biblical proof for this change. It is only when you confront the catholics with lack of Biblical proof for the change that they finally tell you that it was done by their church.

    Also the crusades. They tell you that it was politically motivated; it was not a holy war. But they won’t tell you that they carried out crusades against the Cathar/Albigensians, and the Bohemians and they won’t tell you that the way they obtained soldiers for their wars was to sell these wars to the common people as holy wars.

    Now my church, the Baptist Church. Today they are so pre-occupied with politics that they have re-written their own church history. The Baptists were persecuted for their beliefs both in the old world and the new world in the 17th and 18th century. As a result they were the greatest advocates of separation between church and state. Today’s Baptist children are largely ignorant that the clause in the US Constitution dealing with the separation of church and state was inserted due to negotiations between the Baptists and the Fathers of the American constitution, for political power.

    And so it goes. Every ideology that has been given a measure of power has sought to rewrite history.


    • “For example, they tell the common people that Jesus and the apostles changed the Sabbath to Sunday.”
      Well, not literally, but in effect yes, in a way.

      When Christians were being persecuted and Jews worshipped on the seventh day, the Sabbath, Christians would rise early the next morning, the first day, to gather together in the name of Jesus before starting their day’s work. They called it ‘The Lord’s Day’.

      Some people today are referring to Sunday as the Sabbath, whereas it should rightly be known as ‘The Lord’s Day.’


  4. I wonder what the atheist reaction would have been if an Islamic or other faith’s symbol had been found and erected.


    • They don’t seem to have a problem with that at all.

      “Now, to be fair, Christians did die on those planes and in those towers, but so did Muslims, Buddhists, atheists and other religious or non-religious citizens. These citizens who do not worship a cross are left unrepresented. If you want to put up a cross to memorialize the people lost on that tragic day, you must represent them all. It is really that simple, all or none.”


      • They are battling in court against the inclusion in the museum of “… an Islamic or other faith’s symbol:”

        Really – got a link ?


      • Why any sort of public religious symbol where various religions are involved? Just as in a cemetery where different graves bare different symbols erected by private individuals, there might be space where followers of any faith can erect a single symbol they want.

        And if the atheists want one, why not?


  5. “They have asked for a “monument to atheists” to be placed in the museum. What? A monument to nothingness? ”

    How are atheists nothingness ?? We do exist you know.


  6. “Why are some atheists so angry and intolerant about any philosophy different to theirs?”
    As long as it is based on TRUTH (that which can be verified) there is no problem with it. But if it is mainly magical thinking, then it has no intellectual integrity. Why should that be tolerated in an intelligent modern society?
    And if it is tolerated, maybe we need to look a bit more closely at exactly WHY it is tolerated.


  7. “To save the world requires faith and courage: faith in reason, and courage to proclaim what reason shows to be true.”

    “There is something feeble and a little contemptible about a man who cannot face the perils of life without the help of comfortable myths”

    :- Bertrand Russell, one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century.


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